Green Economy Coalition`s Green Recovery Dialogues
There are signs visible that we are indeed #buildingbackbettergreener! Today I was inspired to provide a platform for a broad range of Green Incubators and BDS providers that are supporting local green entrepreneurs. Stakeholders included youth-owned and women-owned enterprises.
Feel free to listen to the recording here.
Download the speaker presentations:
- Unpacking the Green Economy ecosystem: Business development support services for local green entrepreneurs (Ulrik Jorgensen, Development Policy Advisor, EU Delegation to South Africa)
- Introducing Future Females green economy programs (Lauren Dallas, Co-Founder and CEO of Future Females)
- Support to SMMEs during DOVID-19 and adapting to climage change measures (Rest Kanju, Esecutive Director and Head of Operations, Indalo Inclusive SA
- A Just Energy Transition: Unpacking the Green Economy ecosystem: (Helmut Hertzog, General Manager, SAREBI - South African Renewable Energy Business Incubator)
- Unlocking impact and prosperity on the African continent ( Dr Audrey Verhaeghe, CEO Anza Capital, and Chairperson SA Innovation Centre)
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